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  1. var config = { betTitle:{ label:"Bets", type:"title" }, baseBet:{ label: "Base Bet", value: currency.amount * 0.00000100, type: "number" }, payoutTitle:{ label: "Payout Section (There is a high and a low value, when set a random value will be chosen between these numbers)", type: "title" }, chanceLow: { label: "percentage change to set payout low", value: 45, type: "number" }, chanceHigh: { label: "percentage change to set payout high", value: 55, type: "number" }, stoppingConditions: { label: "Stopping Conditions", type: "title" }, targetProfit: { label: "Target Profit", type: "number", value: currency.amount * 1.05 } }; var base = config.baseBet.value; var base2 = base; var chance = 50; var nextbet = base; var targetprofit = config.targetProfit.value; var ppc = 1.005; var tg = base; var mt = 1; var bethigh = false; var balmax = currency.amount * 1.001; var previousbet = nextbet; var startingBalance = currency.amount; var runningBalance = currency.amount; var payoutValue = 99.00 / chance; function main(){ game.onBet = function(){ // this random function will return a number between 1 and 3 inclusively so (1,2,3) if that is not the desired behavior you should modify the inputs. if(GetRandomInt(1, 3) % 2 === 0){ bethigh = true; } else { bethigh = false; } chance = GetRandomInt(config.chanceLow.value, config.chanceHigh.value); payoutValue = 99.00 / chance; log.info("Multi: " + mt); if((runningBalance - startingBalance) >= targetprofit){ game.stop(); log.info(""); log.info(""); log.info(">>> Profit reached: " + profit.toFixed(8)); log.info(""); log.info(""); } log.info(nextbet); game.bet(nextbet, payoutValue).then(function(payout){ var profit = nextbet * payoutValue - nextbet; previousbet = nextbet; runningBalance -= previousbet; if(payout > 1){ runningBalance += previousbet * payoutValue; if(profit >= tg){ tg = profit * ppc; nextbet = base2; } else { if(profit >= 0){ mt = 1; } else { mt = -1; } nextbet = profit * mt * 0.15 + base; } } else { if(profit >= 0){ mt = 1; } else { mt =- 1; } nextbet = previousbet * (chance / 25); if( nextbet >= profit){ base = previousbet * 0.1 + base; } } if(runningBalance >= balmax){ balmax = runningBalance * 1.001; nextbet = base2; log.info("balmax: " + balmax); } }); }; } function GetRandomInt(min, max) { var retValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; return retValue; } I fixed it.
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